
You may or may not be following a personalized "ideal" health regimen, but you may harbor unspoken thoughts of what might have been

You had a customized exercise plan that functioned similarly to a long-term "health insurance" coverage.

Your workout regimen won't consist solely of monotonous, repetitive exercises; instead, it will incorporate elements of creativity, challenge, enjoyment, and play.

You will feel like you have a stronger core and better posture with each day of the workout regimen.

You want your spine to be as flexible and strong as it was in your 30s when you're 80 years old.

You must to be able to carry out routine tasks like getting out of bed, picking up a box ,going up and down stairs, standing for longer periods of time or opening a jar of pickle painlessly and efficiently.

You need assistance at your preferred sport or activity because you've been working hard to gain an advantage.

You are medically cleared to exercise after knee surgery and require a safe post-operative exercise regimen.

Classical Pilates at The Pilates Health is the answer.



A special place that will help you become strong where you are weak, flexible where you are tight, align where you are misaligned, and, most importantly, improve the quality of your life.


The studio is furnished with a complete set of equipment that closely follows Mr. Joseph Pilates original design in order to provide you with the full experience of the Classical Pilates Method and to accommodate the needs of every body that comes in. By applying my in-depth knowledge of Mr. Joseph Pilates original work, I assist every body in achieving their desired outcomes.



Why Classical Pilates? Because Joseph Pilates created it…



A century-old chronicle. From a camp for prisoners of war to a worldwide sensation in fitness


Tools for enhancing balance, strength, and flexibility


Workouts utilizing every device. Everything about Pilates defies accepted wisdom.


Most closely follows the original equipment, routines, and exercises created by Joseph Pilates.


The exercises created by Joseph Pilates are known as "classical Pilates" because they are performed in the exact order that he intended. Not only is classical Pilates an excellent physical exercise, but it's also a kind of movement art and a natural way to detoxify and reenergize the body. The long-term effects of classical Pilates on an individual's health and well-being are possible because of its slow and incremental nature. Because you learn the foundations of each exercise, the dynamics, the adaptations, and how EVERY Pilates apparatus functions in tandem to transform, lengthen, and strengthen ANY BODY, the Classical Pilates Method makes sense. A series of stages are utilized to teach Classical Pilates. The body participates in harder and more complicated activities as it gets stronger and more capable of doing complex tasks. Being a part of such a magnificent institution that needs to be upheld with the utmost purity is, in my opinion, a privilege. Joseph Pilates, in my opinion, had a very specific motive and goal when he established everything. His method is more and more helpful the more we adhere to and share it.


  • 2+
  • Years
  • 60+
  • Partnerships
  • 4322+
  • Lessons
  • Motivation


Studio Profile


Nice to meet you.

I am Abdul Kalam.

As the proprietor and originator of The Pilates Health, I am committed to the Original Pilates method of body conditioning. As a professional, I not only walk the talk, but I also teach Classical Pilates with the infectious attitude that makes it fun, creative , challenging and morale boosting. I firmly believe that classical Pilates is the best type of Pilates to perform if you want to practice Pilates. I spend my leisure time doing nothing. I am mostly found lazing around thinking about important things like how wonderful it would be if we all had tails, and how unfortunate it is that we have all lost this wonderful appendage in the course of evolution, or why I don't just shave my mustache or cut my hairs short.

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Everything you require to lead a happier and more fruitful life